Water well drilling rig break-in period in use measures

The operation of the water well drilling rig has to be run, because the personnel for the water well drilling rig to have the performance are more understanding. And also have some operating experience, the following to talk about the maintenance measures.

1. The operator should receive training and guidance from the manufacturer and have a full understanding of the structure and performance of the drilling rig and gain some experience in operation and maintenance before operating the machine. The product use and maintenance manual provided by the manufacturer is the information for the operator to operate the equipment. Before operating the machine, be sure to read the use and maintenance manual and operate and maintain it according to the requirements of the manual.

2. Pay attention to the work load during the break-in period, the work load during the break-in period should generally not exceed 80% of the rated work load, and arrange a suitable workload to prevent the occurrence of overheating caused by the continuous operation of the machine for a long time.

3. Pay attention to the frequent observation of the instrument indication, abnormalities, should stop in time to be eliminated, in the cause is not found, before the fault is not eliminated, should stop the operation.

4. Pay attention to the frequent inspection of lubricating oil, hydraulic oil, coolant, brake fluid and fuel oil (water) level and quality, and pay attention to check the sealing of the whole machine. If too much oil and water is found to be missing during the inspection, the cause should be analysed. At the same time, the lubrication of each lubrication point should be strengthened. It is recommended that during the break-in period, lubrication points should be filled with grease every shift (except for special requirements).

5. Keep the machine clean, adjust and tighten the loose parts in time to prevent the wear of the parts or the loss of parts due to looseness.

6. At the end of the break-in period, the machine should be subjected to mandatory maintenance, good inspection and adjustment, while paying attention to the replacement of oil.

In short, the requirements for the use and maintenance of water well drilling rigs during the break-in period can be summarized as follows: reduce the load, pay attention to inspection and strengthen lubrication. As long as we pay attention to and implement the maintenance and repair of construction machinery during the break-in period, we will reduce the occurrence of early failures, extend the service life, improve operational efficiency and bring you more economic benefits.


Post time: Jul-27-2022