Research and Application

China is one of the best countries in the world to carry out the research and application of hydraulic hammer technology, leading in this field, since 1958 began systematic thematic research, 1961 as a key project of the Ministry of Geology, except during the “Cultural Revolution” was interrupted, has been adhering to the research and development work.
Hydraulic hammer technology has been widely applied in a wide range of fields with remarkable effects in small-diameter core drilling (the deepest application to 4006.17m [7]), and is expanding to hydrologic Wells, anchoring construction, underwater reef blasting, gallery construction, scientific drilling and other fields. Good economic and social benefits have been achieved.

Hydraulic hammer drilling proved to be an advanced drilling technique for hard and complex rock formations after several developments and practices. All kinds of hydraulic hammers have formed a new type of bottom-hole power machine and will be further developed.1 (2)

Post time: Nov-12-2021